A lot of my friends and family don't quite understand why it is that I am such a huge fan, and they always ask me "What's so special about David?". Oh boy, don't even get me started! I could go on for hours! However, its not a question of what's so special about him, but more a question of what he's done for me to become such a huge fan in the first place. When I first started listening to David, I was going through a rough patch in my life. High school had just ended, and lets just say it didn't end well. What was supposed to be one of the most special times of my life turned out to be one of the hardest. I let go of a a lot of so called "friends" which naturally left a hole in my heart. For the next few months I was hurting. Nobody ever noticed anything because I hid it from the world. Every smile and laugh was artificial, a mask to hide what I was really feeling inside. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore so I desperately began looking for some way of relieving my pain.

Funny how you find things in the last place you ever think of looking. I remember browsing through Youtube, and a familiar face popped up in the suggested video box. I had seen David when he first auditioned on AI and on the finale, but he hadn't seemed so "special" to me... yet. Anyways, I clicked on the video and he began singing what is now the reason I am a fan, "Imagine" by John Lennon. I felt goosebumps like I had never felt before. I remember breaking down and struggling to contain myself. The feeling of joy and happiness was so overpowering. Its like all the pain had just been washed out of me. When he sang I could feel every word as if though he was singing just to me. It was such an unexpected and powerful feeling. Never had I experienced something like that before. After he finished singing it felt like the whole world had fallen back into place. From then on I knew I was going to be okay.
This is why I'm a fan.
Video credit to Callinigka18
That is such a special story, Juan. Thanks for sharing it with us… :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Alicia! I really appreciate that! :D
ReplyDeleteJuan, thanks for sharing your story. It's crazy how so many of us from all different walks of life have been touched by this young man. And people ask if he's going on a mission. Some people are so blind.
ReplyDeleteI am very impressed with your graphics skills. You seem to have a special gift also. I am always inspired to write new poems especially for your David artwork. I wrote a new one for Lightburst. It's on my blog. http://www.cacophonyvsharmony.blogspot.com
From the very moment David auditioned for AI he has a been on a mission :)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! I'm very honored that you find inspiration in what I do. You and all David;s fans in turn inspire me to keep making graphics. I'll head over to your blog and read it ^__^