I made finished these two designs a few days ago, and I'm really happy how they turned out! The first one is a Halloween inspired design and the second one is a simpler one that was inspired by David's brilliant mind.
Just finished another design I had been working on for the past week. This one was inspired by David's "Melodies Of Christmas" - which reminds me of lights, colors, and the magic Christmas can bring. Hope this one makes everyone smile. Enjoy!
Finally it'd done!!! After weeks of so much painstaking work, I finally finished it! This new design is my tribute and show of gratitude to David for everything he's done to my life. He gave me a new light, and taught me to dream.He inspired me to create and to express myself through my designs. Thank you for showing me how to imagine.
Inspiration struck again! I was listening to some EDM (electronic dance music) and I felt the need to create! It has a very light and electric feel with a bit of snowflakes flying around. I thought it came out pretty cool! Enjoy!
Phew!!! This freak'n "re-design" has given me such a headache!!! Been working on it for three days, and most of that time was spent sitting there thinking about what to do next. I went through at least 10 different concept ideas and they were all so... boring? In the end, this one was the most passable, but even know I still have problems with it. Hope everyone else likes it :P
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of David's 3rd album "The Other Side Of Down"! Lets all celebrate by making #1stTOSODAnniversary a trending topic on Twitter! Time to party!!!
I remember when I first met David back in 2009 at the "Christmas From The Heart" tour I was so in shock it took me weeks to recover. I took a picture with him, but my camera decided to hate David that day and it didn't process. It would have been a really big disappointment had it not been for two things I asked him to sign - his CFTH cd and a drawing I did of him. Those two little things confirmed to me that I had just met my hero.
So I was bored, and I decided to give David some facial hair! I thought it came out pretty good! What do you think? Personally, I think he should let it grow out. It suites him very well! It gives him a mature/grown-up look (yes I know, he's already both). Maybe I should have done a little less, but I'm partial to this look since this is what my own personal facial hair looks like lol.
As usual, I was browsing through Youtube the other day, and I happen to come across a song called "Fade Into You" by an artist called "Mazzy Star". The moment the song started playing I had goosebumps all over my body. The soft romantic ballad made me think of love and all the beautiful things that love represented. The lead singer, Hope Sandoval, has such a hauntingly beautiful voice that would trance anyone who happens to hear her. There is just something special about this song, and I highly recommend everyone to give it a listen.
People always ask me "Juan, where did you get the inspiration to make this?". Honestly, the only thing that has really inspired me is music. It has the ability to move you to tears or make you want to dance. Its a universal language that everyone can understand. It unites us all, and it makes us forget our differences.
Every single design that I have ever made has been inspired by a song (or songs) Of course, a lot of those songs are David's, but EDM (Electronic Dance Music) has also been a huge part of my inspiration. However, my musical inspiration doesn't exclusively from David or EDM. I get a lot of inspiration from folk, acoustic, and instrumental music as well. The calm relaxing tones evoke so many levels of emotions that its hard not to feel inspired.
Here are some designs and the songs that have inspired their creation:
"FIELD OF DREAMS" Inspired Tritonal's "Utopia (Arty Remix)"
"A DIFFERENT LIGHT" inspired by David's "Notice Me"
"SKYSCRAPER" inspired by Thomas Newman's "Brooks Was Here"
Yesterday my friend had the very good idea to redo the very first David design I ever made! I've had a few years of practice so I'm very excited to what it will look like when I'm done! Here's my very first edit:
For many, David has become a symbol of love and faith. He's helped so many of us get through very hard and difficult times. Personaly, if it hadn't been for David and his music I would still be lost and wondering around aimlessly in life. I can't say I've accomplished a ton, but he has very much inspired me to keep my head up and see the world in a more posotive way.
A lot of my friends and family don't quite understand why it is that I am such a huge fan, and they always ask me "What's so special about David?". Oh boy, don't even get me started! I could go on for hours! However, its not a question of what's so special about him, but more a question of what he's done for me to become such a huge fan in the first place. When I first started listening to David, I was going through a rough patch in my life. High school had just ended, and lets just say it didn't end well. What was supposed to be one of the most special times of my life turned out to be one of the hardest. I let go of a a lot of so called "friends" which naturally left a hole in my heart. For the next few months I was hurting. Nobody ever noticed anything because I hid it from the world. Every smile and laugh was artificial, a mask to hide what I was really feeling inside. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore so I desperately began looking for some way of relieving my pain.
Funny how you find things in the last place you ever think of looking. I remember browsing through Youtube, and a familiar face popped up in the suggested video box. I had seen David when he first auditioned on AI and on the finale, but he hadn't seemed so "special" to me... yet. Anyways, I clicked on the video and he began singing what is now the reason I am a fan, "Imagine" by John Lennon. I felt goosebumps like I had never felt before. I remember breaking down and struggling to contain myself. The feeling of joy and happiness was so overpowering. Its like all the pain had just been washed out of me. When he sang I could feel every word as if though he was singing just to me. It was such an unexpected and powerful feeling. Never had I experienced something like that before. After he finished singing it felt like the whole world had fallen back into place. From then on I knew I was going to be okay.