Friday, September 30, 2011

New Logo

Not to toot my own horn, but I am darn proud of this logo! It's simple, understated, and yet grabs your attention! I'm definitely going to be keeping this one!


So David tweeted this today...

... um... thanks? LOL


... I just want to DANCE!!!


My Kind Of Christmas Tour And Other Ramblings

Its hard to believe that the holidays are getting closer, but its harder to believe that its been almost two years since I went to my first David show and met the man himself! I remember it like yesterday, and it was a total surprise! I will never forget that day.
Anyways, this year David will be going on another tour this December, and the excitement is growing as the days draw nearer and nearer (there's still like 2 months left). Unfortunately I won't be able to go since he isn't coming anywhere near Dallas *looks irritatedly towards California* , but I am happy for everyone else who is going. Still a little sad, but hey I saw him twice this year - In Arizona for the "Constitution Fair" and for the "Stadium Of Fire" in Utah. Now that was another concert I will always remember! The skydivers, giant beach-balls, Brad Paisley, David, and the most incredibly beautiful fireworks! What a night!
I am really looking forward to seeing all the pictures and videos that all the little ninja fans will take hehehe! So until we wait for the first show, here's a design to keep everyone occupied with "awwws" and swooning :D Enjoy!